The Vale & CPC Team Share in Programming of Collaboration and Love
This summer, The Vale & CPC mission team supported the creation of Professional Development kits for the teachers of the Bella Vista community. These kits are a key tool in the development of Comprehensive Behavioral Health Education with the indigenous Mam women, and by extension, the entire community. This integrated education is one of the four major programs that are part of our organizational methodology. Through different workshops and trainings, community leaders gain appropriate knowledge and tools to increase their capacity and broaden their opportunities. This methodology is based on a constructivist educational philosophy that all people find meaning and a sense of fulfillment through links with our community, our natural resources, and our values as human beings. Hand in hand with techniques of narrative therapy as a fundamental part of our Behavioral Health program, the partnership and support of the Vale & CPC team, these kits, and the workshops they include will increase the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the community, empowering teachers, women, and all community members to engage in cooperative action.