St. Paul Mission
We have been thrilled to partner with the community of Twi'Ninwitz on many projects through their women’s circle, ultimately leading to an improved school, improved community health, and a greater sense of overall community well-being. Inspired by these developments, AMA has received requests from multiple towns around the village of Twi’Ninwitz to join the growing network of small groups. Just last week, a passionate mission team from St. Paul United Methodist Church of Helena, Montana, traveled with us to work in partnership with the community members of the town of Belén. They joined 8 excited families to build improved, fuel-efficient stoves in their homes, wonderful labor-saving tools that will mean immediate improvements in health, as well as access to opportunities to earn a greater income to support their family members. The St. Paul team also participated in our Maya Art Program, working with local First through Sixth graders on a painting project in the Chanshenel Rural School. It was an unforgettable week, and we were moved by the beautiful partnership between the new circle of Belén and the new HSP team of St. Paul- We’re excited to keep working together!